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At what age do bow legs typically develop, and how can I tell if my child has them? – The Shoe Crew – First Walkers Community

At what age do bow legs typically develop, and how can I tell if my child has them?

Asked 2 years ago

Hey there, my wife and I have just noticed that our toddler's legs seem to curve outward, and I am worried that he might have bow legs. I am wondering at what age bow legs typically develop and how I can tell if my child has them. Can anyone provide me with information on this issue? Thank you.

Immanuel Armstrong

Monday, March 20, 2023

When your child stands erect, the legs curve outward at the knees while the ankles touch: that's bowleg. Bowlegs occur between birth and 24 months, which is expected as a child grows. At 24-36 months, the bowing starts disappearing. If your child's bowlegs persist after three years, consult your physician.

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