Foot healthPosts and articles about Foot healthBlogBhashwati Deb BarmaHow to Identify Early Signs of Foot Drop in ChildrenAs a parent, you're always on the lookout for your child's developmental milestones. But have you noticed any changes in how your little one walks? If your baby...AnswersRuchita DhavadeAre My Baby’s Feet Swollen or Fat?Who can resist those adorable, chubby baby feet? But have you ever wondered why they’re so soft? Your baby’s feet are made mostly of fat, muscles, and tendons, ...BlogBhashwati Deb BarmaDealing With Shoe Allergies in Children: What to Look ForFor centuries, shoes have acted as protective barriers for our feet. But sometimes, certain chemical materials like rubber and leather can cause skin allergies,...BlogBabafemi AdebajoUnderstanding the Waddling Gait in Children: Parent’s GuideThose first wobbly steps are magical moments in every parent's journey. But if your little one's walk reminds you more of a penguin waddle than a straight-line ...BlogBabafemi AdebajoHigh-Tops vs. Low-Tops: Which Protect Your Kids' Feet Better?Choosing between high-top vs. low-top shoes for your kid is more than just a matter of style. You should also check for comfort and safety—crucial factors suppo...BlogNatasha HoganDo Your Baby’s Feet Stink? Here’s What You Can DoAs loving parents, our top priority is that our babies are happy, healthy, and comfortable—from top to toe. But, sometimes, we might encounter issues like smell...BlogBenjamin Aduwo10 Best Orthopaedic Shoes for Kids With Flat FeetWhile it's often normal for toddlers to have flexible flat feet, some kids may develop true flat feet as they grow older. The condition can lead to pain and dis...AnswersJasrah JavedWhat Causes Babies’ Feet to Turn Red?Have you ever noticed the bottom of your baby's feet looking a bit flushed? It's a normal part of their development, but understanding the potential causes can ...AnswersRuchita DhavadeWhy Do Toddlers' Feet Peel? Exploring Possible CausesHave you noticed your toddler's feet looking a bit flaky? Young skin is delicate and sensitive, making it more prone to dryness and peeling, especially around t...BlogJasrah JavedTop 5 Cute Pink Shoes for Little GirlsKids love bright colours—it's science. Studies show that children react positively to vibrant hues like pink, blue, and red. So, for girls, pink isn't just a pr...AnswersBabafemi AdebajoWhy Do My Toddler’s Feet Look Yellow?As parents, our radar is permanently tuned to our children's well-being. Every cough, every sniffle, every change in skin tone sets our hearts racing. So when y...AnswersBabafemi AdebajoChildren's Heel Pain: Common Causes and Effective SolutionsHeel pain in children, though often overlooked, is surprisingly common. Research suggests that one in every twelve kids suffers this discomfort in the heel. If ...BlogDr. Leah AlexanderHow to Prevent Kids Foot Injuries: Essential Tips for ParentsWith their boundless energy and curious exploration, children are prone to bumps and bruises. But beyond the scrapes and cuts, their developing feet can also be...AnswersBabafemi AdebajoHow to Help Dyspraxic Kids Tie Their Shoes?Every parent knows the joy and pride of seeing their kid's first steps or hearing their first words. Each milestone is a step toward independence. But what if ...AnswersBabafemi AdebajoDo You Need a Prescription for Orthopaedic Shoes?Orthopaedic shoes for children are designed to provide extra support, protection, and stability to the growing foot. They can help to relieve pain and discomfo...AnswersDr. Leah AlexanderWhat Causes Plantar Warts on Feet?Plantar warts, which are often confused with calluses, can be painful and are caused by specific strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV). They are particularl...AnswersJonathan CoomShould You Pop Your Child's Foot Blisters?Does your child have painful foot blisters? These tiny bubbles of discomfort are quite a universal experience, but for children, blisters can pose a unique chal...AnswersJasrah JavedAt What Age Will My Baby's Feet Straighten Out?Children's feet undergo various changes as they grow. Their bones, muscles, and ligaments are still developing, so it's normal for their feet to look and functi...AnswersDr. Leah AlexanderAre Plantar Warts on Feet Contagious?Plantar warts are often more prevalent in the paediatric population, with 10-20% of school-age children being affected. The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a prim...AnswersKerry SeamanWhy Is Your Toddler Complaining of Leg Pain at Night?Nighttime is a very important time for healing and growing in young children. They sleep a lot more than adults, sometimes in the afternoon and night. So, when ...CommunityCan wearing flat shoes or going barefoot worsen flat feet in children?As a concerned parent, I want to know if wearing flat shoes or going barefoot can worsen my child's flat feet. I've heard conflicting opinions and I don't want ...CommunityDoes in-toeing gait affect a child's balance or coordination?Hello, my daughter has an in-toeing gait and I'm curious if it's having an impact on her balance or coordination as I've noticed they seem to stumble more often...CommunityWhat are some of the common foot problems that can arise during child development?I am concerned about the potential foot problems my child may encounter during their growth. I am curious to learn about the common issues that can arise and ho...CommunityCan flat feet in children be corrected or improved, and if so, what are some treatment options?Hey there, I'm concerned about my child's flat feet. I've heard that this condition can lead to other foot problems and affect their posture. Can flat feet be c...CommunityHow can I tell if my child's flat feet are causing them pain or discomfort?Hi there, as a parent, I am concerned about my child's flat feet and how it might affect their daily activities. I am not sure if their flat feet are causing th...