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Can shoes with support help with my child's balance and coordination? – The Shoe Crew – First Walkers Community

Can shoes with support help with my child's balance and coordination?

Asked 2 years ago

Hello, my youngest child (3 years) struggles quite a bit with his balance and is often falling over and bumping into this and getting hurt or upset. If I was to buy him shoes with ankle support, would this increase his balance? Any advice would be appreciated!

Bhashwati Deb Barma

Bhashwati Deb Barma

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

It is quite normal for a toddler to struggle with his balance. However, you must consult a pediatrician if you find anything unusual. Yes, supportive shoes can help with your child's balance and coordination but barefoot indoor walking or soft-sole shoes are recommended as that will help to develop strength in the foot muscles and ligaments, and improve awareness of the surrounding space (proprioception.) Try out different games and involve him in balance-oriented activities.

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