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Can in-toeing gait be corrected with proper footwear? – The Shoe Crew – First Walkers Community

Can in-toeing gait be corrected with proper footwear?

Asked 2 years ago

Hey there, I've noticed that my son's feet point inward instead of straight ahead. I'm wondering if this can be solved with proper footwear or if it requires medical intervention. I want him to walk without any pain or discomfort. Any advice or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Salvatore Wood

Sunday, April 02, 2023

It depends. In-toeing caused by Metatarsus Adductus can be corrected with proper footwear. However, in-toeing that occurs due to Tibial Torsion or Femoral Anteversion does not improve with any footwear preference. See your doctor for a proper examination.

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