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What are some signs that a child may need ankle support during sports? – The Shoe Crew – First Walkers Community

What are some signs that a child may need ankle support during sports?

Asked a year ago

I am concerned about my child's ability to participate in sports without experiencing ankle pain or injury. Would ankle support be beneficial while they are playing sports or running around? I want to make sure they stay safe and comfortable while they stay active.

Allen Flynn

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Most children will not need extra ankle support during sports, as normal growth and development, in combination with performing these types of activities in the first place, will help to build up strength and stability in your child’s ankle. If, however, your child has hypermobility in the ankle joints then extra ankle support can be a winner to help to reduce joint pain or fatigue, and to increase stability. Also, if they have previously experienced ankles injuries such as sprains while playing sports, then added support can help to reduce the chances of further similar injuries.

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