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Why Does My Child Stomp When Walking? – First Walkers Answers

Why Does My Child Stomp When Walking?

Get insights on the various reasons for children's stomping habits.

Jasrah Javed - Writer for First Walkers
By Jasrah Javed
Dorian Rhode
Edited by Dorian Rhode

Published April 14, 2024.

A little boy walking—monitor walking behaviour such as stomping in kids.

As children progress in their development and learn coordination skills, they naturally adopt different walking patterns. Stomping behaviour is just one of these milestones, tied to their journey in mastering movement. While it's a typical aspect of their growth, it's essential to observe your child's walking habits to address any potential underlying issues.

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Understanding Stomping in Children

Children may stomp when they walk for several reasons, such as:

Emotional Expression

Stomping can be caused by strong emotions like frustration or a need for attention. Some kids stomp out of joy as a way to convey their vigour and eagerness. It can serve as a physical outlet for their emotions, allowing children to release pent-up energy or tension. This behaviour is also a way for them to assert themselves.

Developmental Progress

It may also be a normal stage of their motor development as they learn to coordinate and control their movements. This behaviour helps them improve their balance and motor abilities. Although stomping once in a while is usually okay, it may cause concern if it occurs frequently.

Note: See a pediatrician or developmental specialist if stomping develops into a noticeable and regular pattern, along with other odd behaviours or imbalanced indicators.

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Sensory Exploration

Since children enjoy the tactile feedback of different surfaces beneath their feet, stomping may be a typical aspect of their sensory exploration. They may stomp to feel various textures and sensations because it helps them better understand their body's position and movement in space.

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Monitoring Walking Behaviour

Understanding and monitoring children's stomping habits is crucial for identifying any potential developmental concerns. Parents should keep an eye out for symptoms such as recurrent falls, trouble balancing, or delays in meeting typical motor milestones.

Additionally, investing in high-quality orthotics from First Walkers can help correct walking behaviours by providing the necessary support and stability for growing feet. With their expertise in foot development, they offer a proactive solution to ensure children's healthy and confident strides.

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