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How can parents help their clumsy toddlers avoid accidents and injuries? – The Shoe Crew – First Walkers Community

How can parents help their clumsy toddlers avoid accidents and injuries?

Asked 2 years ago

Hey, I am looking for tips and advice on how to prevent accidents and injuries for my clumsy toddler. It seems like every day there is a new bump or bruise, and I want to do everything I can to keep my child safe. Any suggestions on how to help my little one navigate the world without getting hurt?

Arturo Colon

Thursday, March 30, 2023

It is important to encourage exploration and freedom to develop movement patterns and coordination in your child’s brain, while ensuring safety. Make sure to consider safety within both indoor and outdoor environments. For example, in your home ensure that there are no sharp items available or sharp edges on furniture; no toys left around which could be a choking hazard; no trip hazards on the floor; and safety doors at the top of staircases. When playing outdoors, make sure to check that play equipment e.g. swings or roundabouts are working properly, and that there is suitable soft flooring in case of falls. Correct fitting footwear can also help to avoid trips and falls.

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