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Are Plantar Warts on Feet Contagious? – First Walkers Answers

Are Plantar Warts on Feet Contagious?

Learn if plantar warts on feet are contagious and how to try and prevent your child from getting them.

Leah is an experienced paediatrician.
By Leah Alexander
Kelly Hendrickse - Editor for First Walkers
Edited by Kelly Hendrickse

Published August 13, 2023.

Plantar warts are often more prevalent in the paediatric population, with 10-20% of school-age children being affected. The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a primary cause of these warts, and there are specific strains (namely, 2, 27, 57, and 63) more common among children. These strains are completely different from those covered by the HPV vaccine available for children, which protects against six different strains that are unrelated to plantar warts.

Children interact with one another throughout the day at school, so knowing whether or not these warts are contagious is crucial. We spoke to Leah Alexander, an experienced general paediatrician, to gain a better understanding of how plantar warts affect the feet and whether they spread.

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Understanding Plantar Warts On Feet

Plantar warts are an infection that appears as small growths on the bottom of the feet. These are usually rough and have small dark dots on them, which are dried blood clots. These warts can be painful and cause discomfort.

Many parents believe that plantar warts are just calluses because they have their own foot calluses and are told about them at their podiatrist visits or pedicure appointments. They often assume their child has the same issue.

However, this is usually not the case. "I believe there's a common assumption that this problem is more benign than it actually is," explains Alexander. "Unless the child complains of significant pain, the parents typically think that maybe there's something else going on." It's best to always check with a medical professional so suitable treatment can be administered.

Can Plantar Warts Spread To Other Parts Of The Body?

While plantar warts can be contagious through skin-to-skin contact, it doesn't necessarily spread elsewhere on the body.

"I have observed some patients who had infections on their feet and then developed minor ones on their fingers because they kept scratching their feet. However, generally, this spread is not common, and the infection usually stays confined to the actual foot."

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Take Steps To Avoid The Spread

Maintaining your kid's foot health is important not only for hygiene reasons but also to help with their confidence. When issues like plantar warts do occur, it can cause self-consciousness. Luckily, you can help mitigate the spread and provide your child with comfort. This can be done by ensuring they don't share any shoes, socks, or towels with others. And, if your child already has plantar warts, try to encourage them not to touch them to avoid further infection. Aside from these measures and seeking medical assistance, you can help make sure their shoes always fit properly, the inner soles are clean, and the shoe fabrics are suitable.

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